E 2nd St Chaves County Roswell New Mexico US 380 | Journey to the West there and back NX1

Aloha! Howzit, GrassHopper?

Journey to the West there and back on the New Mexico US Route 380E drive through Chaves County Roswell Queando Rd.

destination is the beginning of Journey to the West there and back.

two reminders whenever you come to the volunteer state –

1. Move-Over Law: move over either adjacent lanes whenever possible or slow down -25MPH for
any parked emergency light flashing LEO, TNDOT, EM, etc…

2. Distracted Driving Law: no texting or use cell phones and no GPS and dashcams on the
windshield and rear view mirror…

a long way around home…

as always for poops and giggles only.

ty ^^ :^)

©2014 two dogs production. all rights reserved.



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